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Entropik Features in Analytics Insight’s Top 15 Emotion AI Startups

Entropik Tech is featured in Analytics Insight's list of the top 15 Emotion AI startups, highlighting the company's innovative solutions and market impact.

February 23, 2023
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The adoption of AI, ML, IoT, deep learning technologies, and the growing need for emotional connection in digital communications in the post-COVID-19 scenario has led to rapid disruption from companies worldwide. The emotion detection and recognition industry is slated for exponential growth from a market size of $19.5 billion in 2020 to $37.1 billion in the next five years. Emotion AI’s disruptive technology, also referred to as affective computing, aims to personalize customer experiences and humanize operations across industry verticals.

Emotion AI, the emerging subset of AI, holds the capacity to capture, decode, and interpret human emotions. Based in Bengaluru, Entropik Tech is an expeditiously growing Emotion AI startup providing multi-modal emotion recognition technologies like eye tracking, facial coding, and brainwave EEG mapping. The company helps brands analyze consumers’ emotional and cognitive responses towards products, shopping experiences, content, and more.

Read the full article published on Analytics Insight. Analytics Insight is the world’s first print and digital publication with a market focus on disruptive technologies, including Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Analytics.

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